PROSIP – CONDORAY (Centro de Formacion Profesional para la Mujer) is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to promote community education through teaching, radio schools and trade schools. Funds were used for the vocational training program in administration of hostelry services: set-up a closed-circuit TV in the cooking demonstration classroom so that more students can attend the program, and new furniture for the canteen where students develop their dining service skills, increasing the capacity from 65 to 90 seats.
“Centro Shama – Ninos de la Calle” est une institution civile, créée en 1999 pour accueillir les enfants des rues entre 8 et 10 ans. Maintenant, elle accueille aussi bien les tout petits pour un total de 30 enfants (nombre limité par le gouvernement). Les fonds sont utilisés pour mise en oeuvre du réfectoire (meubles), renforcement de la sécurité (caméras) et amélioration du bienêtre des petits (rénovation de berceaux et matelas).
The aim of the association “Congregacion del Buen Pastor” is to restore the dignity of marginalized communities (adults and young adults in extreme poverty, adolescents especially girls). It is currently involved in 19 projects located in 8 regions of Peru. The ” The Taller Augustina Rivas” (workshop) aims at providing women from an area of Peru with income generating skills to make up for their seasonal employment (April – July). The project has helped increase the income of these families. The funds were used to buy sewing machines, chairs, and tables.
PROSIP is a non-profit organization whose aim is to promote community education through teaching, radio, schools and trade schools. The aim of the project is to equip a computer laboratory to teach IT skills to young girls and women (age 16-20) from low income families; short courses and full IT courses will be offered to prepare them for entry into the workplace. The requested funds will be used to obtain 2 printers and 5 laptop computers.
Gotas de Agua a pour objectif d’apporter une justice sociale dans la communauté de Raucana dans un quartier périphérique très pauvre de Lima en améliorant l’environnement et les conditions de vie des enfants souvent victimes de violence domestique et sexuelle, violence qui résulte de la combinaison de la pauvreté, de la frustration et de l’alcoolisme. Le but du projet est de construire des crèches et garderies d’enfants et d’entreprendre un travail ciblé avec les familles afin de rendre l’environnement des enfants plus sûr par la prévention et les soins psychologiques en cas d’agression, et par le développement du bien-être des parents à travers une amélioration de leurs chances sur le marché du travail. Les fonds serviront à équiper les crèches : tables, tapis, escaliers, armoires, étagères, lits, petits matelas, berceaux.
Congregacion Hijas de Maria Auxiliadora is directed by the Salesian Sisters near Lima in the Barrios Altos. While there are schools in the community, many of the children abandon their studies very early. The objective of the project is to direct these children and provide support so that they remain in school and/or complete their apprenticeships. In addition they wish to train 50 volunteers to assist with the above, thus contributing to the stability of the community. Four computers, one projector and student kits will be funded.
Foundation Fraternitas Sine Finibus was set up to create homes for the reception and education of the poorest children. Home Oscar Romero is a residential care centre for children suffering violence, abandonment, abuse or whose parents are in prison. The centre takes care of their emotional and material needs, their schooling, medical care, socialization, etc. The project is to create an organic garden for children aged 6-15, and a stimulation room for children aged 2 to 5. Gardening tools, an irrigation system and stimulation materials will be purchased.
Association Artesanias Tumi Mano Arte soutient depuis 2002 des femmes tisserandes très pauvres et des artisans de la région rurale de Ilave et de Puno, ainsi que leurs enfants, et les aide à fabriquer et commercialiser des accessoires en fibres d’alpaga. Les fonds serviront à acheter des machines à tisser.