It is an honour and a privilege for me to serve as President of the UNWG. What I wish for above all, is for us to engage for positive change and never to forget that our strength resides in our diversity. Together, we will continue to strive to create an environment in which our members feel respected, accepted, supported and valued.
We are a non-profit organization and one of our purposes is to assist children in need throughout the world. We believe that every child deserves a future and this belief is at the heart of everything we do. We organize many social and culture activities, but fundraising is what we do best. Charities nurture, repair, build and sustain our society and our International Annual Bazaar is one of the foremost charitable events in Geneva. Let us work together to make sure that our visibility and our actions continue to take centre stage.

Ajkuna  Thanati


The  UNWG-Geneva was founded in 1970 inspired by its sister organisation in New York. It is a non-profit association which, in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter, aims at fostering friendship and understanding amongst women of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. Its main goal is to improve the condition of disadvantaged children and women through the financing of micro-projects and providing scholarships for secondary school students throughout the world.  The UNWG-Geneva also offers support to newcomers in Geneva and organises a variety of monthly and weekly activities from  fundraising, special events, cultural exchanges and skills training.

The UNWG-Geneva was established  by women who had been active members of the UNWG New York.  Over time, the organisation has grown to include female Ambassadors and Heads of International Organisations,  spouses of Ambassadors, staff officials of the United Nations, International Organisations and Permanent Missions, as well as local associate members. Currently, it has over 500 members from 110 countries around the world.

Since its founding, the UNWG-Geneva has continuously innovated, expanded, developed and diversified its activities. It has always honored its commitments to the cause of women and children around the world, specially during these difficult times. Women and children need us more now than ever before!

I warmly thank all the members and volunteers of the women’s Guild for their exceptional dedicational and continued commitment to the admirable cause to improve the lives of children around the world. This is a tangible contribution towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its objectives of leaving no one behind.”

Ms. Tatiana Valovaya
UNWG Honorary President
Director-General of the UNOG

Le Cercle féminin des Nations Unies (CFNU), année après année, continue à s’engager pour les enfants du monde entier. Il concrétise son action constante avec notamment l’organisation de son Bazar annuel au Palais des Nations. Je suis sincèrement honoré de le soutenir tant à titre personnel que professionnel.”

Ambassadeur Jürg Lauber
CFNU President Honoraire
Représentant permanent de la Suisse auprès de l’Office des Nations Unies et des autres organisations internationales


Ajkuna Thanati



Radiona Nikova

Vice President Activities

Vice-présidente, Activités

Cathy Wolfheim

Vice President Projects

Vice-présidente, Projets

Sara Castells



Mala Prasad






Shivani Berry

Public Relation

Relations publiques

Meena Mehta

Website Coordinator

Coordonnatrice du site Web

Aisha Mkwazu Gnassingbe

Project Coordinator

Coordonnatrice de projet

Mary Elizabeth Zulaybar

Newsletter Editor, English

Rédactrice Bulletin, anglais

Mehri Hosseini Tehrani

Newsletter Editor, French

Rédactrice Bulletin, français

Adelais-Maria Spyridis Quast

In charge of Visits & Culture

Chargée des Visites & Culture

Hayat el-katabi

Recording Secretary, English

Secrétaire-Rapporteuse, Anglaise

Theophilia Adjanohoun

Recording Secretary, French

Secrétaire-Rapporteuse, français

Sibyl De Peic

Membership Secretary

Responsable de la Liste des Membres

Diana De Peic

Co-Membership Secretary

Co-Responsable de la Liste des Membres

Carmen Q de Stockalper

In charge Monthly Meetings

Responsable des réunions mensuelles


The UNWG-Geneva is managed by a team of volunteers. Membership is open to women connected by work or family relationships with the United Nations, its Specialized Agencies, other International Organisations in Geneva and Permanent Missions. Women who are not connected with the United Nations community, but whose contribution to the aims of the UNWG-Geneva would be considered an asset, may become Associate Members on recommendation of two UNWG-Geneva members and upon the approval of the Executive Committee.


The annual membership fee is 85 CHF and payment is accepted for the calendar year (January to December). Payment should be made by e-banking (IBAN: CH 87 0027 9279 HU11 9293 0) or directly at UBS bank.


For all inquiries related to membership, please contact the Membership Secretary at:

Download membership form here


If you wish to submit online, please click here: Online Membership Form


Period President’s name
2020-2022 Niloufar Rafi-Kian Bouabid
2019-2020 Senait Mengistu Gebreselassie
2016-2019 Nehad Sukayri
2014-2016 Christine Evéquoz
2010-2014 Kajori Massé-Basu
2008-2010 Blanca Mazal
2004-2008 Yvonne Ismail-Urfer
2002-2004 Marit De Winter
1998-2002 Gita Sundararaman
1994-1998 Beatriz Campeas
1992-1994 Joyce Jett-Ali
1990-1992 Dominique Amunategui
1986-1990 Susan Miller
1984-1986 Mame-Kouna Sene
1982-1984 Joyce Ratnavale
1978-1982 Mary Finn
1974-1978 Saku Pathmarajah
1970-1974 Dorothy Bathurst


UNWG Geneva

UNWG New York

UNWG Vienna


UNWG India

UNWG Jamaica