The United Nations Women’s Guild-Geneva (UNWG-Geneva) is a charity organisation assisting women and children in need throughout the world. The UNWG also serves as a circle of friendship where women from more than hundred countries connected to the United Nations Office and other International Organisations in Geneva share opportunities for fundraising, volunteering and activities.

This Month's Events: Overview and Recap



04feb09:30February Coffee Morning - Indian Mission - Sarees of India: A Tapestry of Tradition

14feb02:00Exhibition “Rituals of Care” by Antonio Oba.

Share Your Feedback – Help Us Improve!

Thank you for being part of the International Bazar! We’d love to hear your thoughts to make the next event even better.Please take a moment to fill out our short survey by clicking on the link Give Feedback

Your input is greatly appreciated and will help us create an even more enjoyable experience for 2025.Thank you for your time and support!

Celebrating 100 Years of Advocacy for Children’s Rights

  “This year, we celebrate the Centenary of the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which affirmed for the first time the existence of rights specific to children, and the responsibility of adults towards them. While marking this milestone, let us work together towards a world where every child can unleash its full potential.”

Tatiana Valovaya, Director General of UNOG


The year 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of the first international recognition of children’s rights with the adoption of the 1924 Geneva Declaration by the League of Nations. This historic document laid the foundation for acknowledging and safeguarding children’s well-being.


While substantial progress has been made since 1924, challenges remain, including violence affecting children globally and emerging issues such as digitization and the climate crisis.


To renew this commitment, the 2024 Geneva Declaration on the Rights of the Child was crafted by Philip D. Jaffé, the City of Geneva, and Geneva-based civil society organizations. It was officially launched on November 20, World Children’s Day, by the City of Geneva.


The official translations of the Declaration in  French, English and Spanish are available for download.


The updated Declaration has received strong endorsements, including from Ms. Tatiana Valovaya, Director General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, and the UNWG, which has proudly pledged its support for this vital initiative.We request all our UNWG members to join this effort and endorse the 2024 Geneva Declaration. Visit to learn more, sign the pledge, and access resources in over 40 languages.


Ajkuna Thanati
President, UNWG

UNWG- International Bazaar 2024 Raffle Draw Winning Numbers

Congratulations to the lucky winners!

Please find below the list of the winning numbers

To collect your prize, please read our instructions carefully:

Important: Villa les Feuillantines is closed for reasons beyond our control.

To pick up your prizes, please come to Palais des Nations, Building S1 (behind the flags), office 300, third floor above Safi shop.

This is possible for winners who possess a UNOG badge. Those who do not possess a UNOG badge should contact us at


Thursday, 19 December is the last day of the permanence from 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. We will continue to call the winners to organize group distributions. To pick up your prize, please send an email to to schedule a rendezvous or to collect your badge to enter the UNOG premises. 


Thank you to all participants and best wishes,

Raffle Team

And the Raffle Winners Are...



8 -14 Avenue de la Paix
1211 Genève