FUNORSAL was created to support the highland people of Ecuador – some of the poorest and least educated in the country. It runs three integrated programs in education, conservation and innovation. With the goal of empowering indigenous women for education and health, this is an Incomegenerating project of wool creation. Getting a specialised wool washing machine has cut the amount of work in half.
Fundation “Agustin Tomala” helps people living with HIV/AIDS, by offering them educational, informational, cultural and recreational programs to support their daily life, in Guayaquil. The aim of the project, supporting 15 children up to 5 years old, is to offer a place where mothers can learn how to educate and stimulate their children by providing them the opportunity to do activities that include music, movement, stories, sharing, discussion and games. To this end, equipment for an activity centre will be funded.
Fundacion Plan Ecuasol offre à des familles défavorisées: soutien scolaire et activités extra-scolaires, appui financier, accès aux soins et nutrition ainsi que soutien psychologique. Le projet mettra en place une salle informatique avec 6 ordinateurs portables, 1 imprimante, 1 vidéo-projecteur, 3 bureaux et 6 chaises, connection internet, branchements électriques et impression de 60 livres.