


Asociacion Cultural Bonaerense (ACB) is an NGO that promotes educational, cultural and social activities for children and young women. The project has three parts: (1) Family education for young mothers (home management, children education, values training), (2) education for young girls (cooking and nutrition), and (3) a reading club. The funds were used for classroom equipment (computer, printer, projector, speaker, microphone), kitchen equipment (incl. refrigerator) and books.


Le Club Atlético Argentino de Lopez est une organisation dont l’idée de départ est de promouvoir l’insertion sociale, le développement personnel, professionnel à travers la pratique d’activités sportives. Ce centre a aussi vocation d’espace social et recréatif. Il est à la disposition de la communauté (réunions familiales, fête). Ce projet a aidé des enfants en situation de précarité et de vulnérabilité d’une localité rurale. Les contributions apportées par le biais de ce projet permettront l’accès au sport et aux activités physiques.


Asociacion Civil Nativos aims to promote sustainable forest development while empowering indigenous populations and respecting their culture. The project seeks to provide these vulnerable populations with schools and health centres, and equip them with books in their native language, medicines and food storage equipment. Four fridge/freezers and 300 copies of two books in local language will be purchased.


Asociacion para el Fomento de la Cultura considers that vocational education is a definite change factor. They promote educational workshops for children and young mothers, for example reading clubs for children and cooking classes for young mothers. The funds will be used for desks, chairs, books for the library, and kitchen equipment.